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5 Digital Skills Filipino Professionals Wish They Learned 5 Years Ago (For Any Industry!)

Eeman Bulotano
October 5, 2022
5 Digital Skills Filipino Professionals Wish They Learned 5 Years Ago (For Any Industry!)

Check out these 5 digital skills Filipinos say they should have learned before industry 4.0 🤓

Discovering New Destinations

We’re all familiar with the fact that the skills you learn in school can be invaluable. Whether you’re a recent graduate or someone who has been working for years, there’s always something new to learn and improve upon in your career. In my case, I’ve recently realized and observed that there are some skills that could’ve helped a lot of people retain relevance in their fields if they learned some these years ago.

So I asked around and talked to my coworkers, partners, friends, and clients to know what 5 skills they regret not learning over the past 5 years. Here are five that can help you build up your portfolio:

1. Basic Coding and Cloud Computing

Coding and programming are two of the most valuable skills you can learn today. Coding is the language of tomorrow, as it’s becoming more and more important in every industry. It helps you to be more efficient and productive, which means that it will become an even bigger part of our daily lives—and that’s why learning coding is so vital! Learning this skill can also help build your resume or profile on LinkedIn or elsewhere online; it gives you another way to showcase yourself as someone who knows how technology works. And since coding requires a high level of creativity (and some independence), it’s also great for building up your technical expertise outside of work hours too!

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2. Data Analytics, Visualization, and Control

Data analytics and visualization are key parts of digital transformation. They allow you to understand your data, make decisions about how to use it, and communicate insights with others. Data analytics is a great way to understand your data and make decisions on what actions should be taken with it.

It can also help you identify where there are opportunities for improvement within processes or systems so they can be further optimized. Visualization allows people outside of IT departments (like sales or marketing) access to this world through dashboards that show current trends in various areas such as workloads across different server types being processed by users at any given moment; this makes it easier for managers who may not have deep expertise in technical topics like servers but still want some level of understanding when making decisions about prioritizing certain projects over others.”

3. Cybersecurity and Privacy

Cybersecurity is a big word for a big problem. It’s the protection of your data, your devices, and your systems from cyberattacks. Cybersecurity isn’t just about protecting yourself from hackers—it also covers protecting your family and friends from hackers; organizations such as government agencies, schools, and businesses; countries like China or Russia that are known for their hacking capabilities (and willing to use them).

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4. Design Thinking

Design thinking is a creative process that involves the identification of problems and opportunities, and the creation of solutions that solve both. This can be applied to any business, but it’s especially helpful for entrepreneurs who are working with their own products or services.

Design thinking is all about problem-solving, understanding the customer needs, creating solutions to those problems (and often multiple solutions), a collaboration between team members in order to create robust designs that meet those needs—and then testing those designs with customers until they find something worth keeping around!

5. Project and Program Management

The digital world is constantly evolving, and there are many opportunities to gain new skills. There is a lot of value in learning these skills, especially if you’re looking to advance your career or take advantage of new opportunities.

Learning digital skills can help you advance in your current job and give you an edge when applying for other positions down the road. It also means that if you’ve been working as a specialist for years—and haven’t had any formal training related to this area—you may want to consider adding some instruction as part of your daily routine so that future employers won’t see anything amiss when they come across your resume (or LinkedIn profile).

It’s never too late!

Now is the perfect time to learn and start leveraging these new skills in our lives. We live in a time where technology is changing the way we work, play, and live with each other. If you don’t have these skills already, now is the perfect time to learn them!

5 Digital Skills Filipino Professionals Wish They Learned 5 Years Ago (For Any Industry!) 1
Eeman Bulotano

Founder and Chief Digital Officer. Full Stack CX Design and Development. Digital Experience Professional. Business Development / Design. Branding. Beat Making.

By: Eeman Bulotano

Founder and Chief Digital Officer. Full Stack CX Design and Development. Digital Experience Professional. Business Development / Design. Branding. Beat Making.

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